Yet rather than abandoning status anxiety, the way the rich seek to display status may simply be getting more complex. 然而,由于担心自身的身份被遗忘,富人们展示他们自己身份的方式越来越复杂。
The anxiety on the Collage Entrance Examination is a psychological reaction; its reasons are very complex. 高考焦虑是对高考的特殊的心理反应,形成原因非常复杂,它是主客观因素相互作用的结果。
Anxiety is one of the most important affective factors in foreign language ( FL) learning. American psycholinguist Horwitz defines language anxiety asa distinct complex of self-perception, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors related to classroom language learning arising from the uniqueness of the language learning process. 语言焦虑是外语学习中的重要情感因素之一,美国心理语言学家Horwitz把外语学习焦虑定义为产生于外语学习过程中的自我意识、观点、情感和与课堂语言学习相关行为的复合体。
Horwitz ( 1986) describes foreign language anxiety as a distinct complex of self – perception, belief, feeling, and behaviors related to foreign language learning and using for communication beyond the language classroom. 美国心理学家Horwitz(1986)对外语学习焦虑的定义是:外语学习焦虑是一种产生于外语学习过程和课堂外语学习相联系的有关自我知觉,信念,情感和行为的独特的综合体。
The marginal anxiety also fostered Du Fu's complex of the capital of the Dynasty and promoted the close correlation between his creation of poems and the social reality and the political life of the country. 边缘焦虑还培植了杜甫的京城情结,促进其诗歌创作与社会现实和国家政治生活紧密关联。
Emotion is of the first importance in learner-based study, an internal driving force and a response for whether one is satisfied with his or her needs and intension. Foreign language anxiety is a complex phenomenon that has great impact on it. 情感是自主研究性学习的首要特征和内在驱动力,是人们对自己的需要和意图是否得到满足的反应。焦虑作为情感因素之一,对学习效率的影响非常大。
Foreign language anxiety is defined as a distinct complex of self-perception, belief, feelings, and behaviors related to classroom learning arising from the unique of the language learning process ( Horwitz et al 1986:128). 外语学习焦虑是外语课堂学习中由独特的语言学习过程引起的一种知觉、信念、情感和行为的独特的综合体。
Among these affective variables, anxiety is one of the most complex and important one. 在众多的情感因素中,焦虑是最重要和最复杂的因素之一。
This is not the solo phenomena in the intellectual history of modern China, but it illustrates the anxiety and tension of those intellectuals in the complex course of Modernity. 这在中国近现代史思想史的脉络上并不是特例,但在复杂的现代化历程中,又体现了知识分子对于民族命运的焦虑与紧张。
By the analysis of the data and questionnaire, it is concluded that only after the learners possess positive motivations and overcome anxiety and inferiority complex are they likely to transform the hatred into love for English learning. 经过一系列的调查研究及数据分析,得出的结论是只有当学习者具备了积极的学习动机,克服了焦虑心理和自卑情结,才有可能将消极的英语厌学情绪转化为积极的爱学表现。
Anxiety is a complex emotional state for children with restlessness, anxiety, worry and other unpleasant intense when danger or threat situations arise. 焦虑是儿童对于即将来临的、可能会造成危险或威胁的情境所产生的紧张、不安、忧虑、烦恼等不愉快的复杂情绪状态。